Perlin (PERL) Estimates Savings On Cloud And Increase Partner Base

Perlin (PERL) Cloud Partnership backed by Perlin Network, provides new shocking estimates on using cloud computing and cloud services.

As it is stated, cloud computing platforms often require users to pay a ~3800% mark-up on the operational costs associated with that service.

Perlin claims: “Our goal at Perlin is to help make the cloud more accessible and affordable globally. We use a network of idle devices such as mobiles and laptops to provide a distributed cloud solution. The service is not only more affordable but also brings added benefits of a multi-cloud strategy due to the distributed nature of our system.”

In the Table below there are provided impressive sums of savings while using Perlin Network. The estimation is based off the global average cost of energy.

The Perlin Cloud Network is a fast growing platform which will be building out features for various use cases such as web hosting, artificial intelligence (AI), application distribution, internet-of-things (IoT), serverless frameworks and personal cloud computing solutions. In 2019 Perlin will be building a number of features which will bring cost and reliability benefits.

Perlin is rapidly increasing partnership base and calls for new partnerships companies that are interested in leading the way in distributed computing and helping grow a cloud community. By filling out the form before August 10th novices will get priority access to both test net and to a much more competitively priced cloud computing.

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