The Saturday rise of Bitcoin by 10% revived conversations about institutionalists and trading robots again. The weekend factor is obvious.

Newbies or pros did that?
Reddit tried to determine if the bubble started to peak or not, like in 2017. Then beginners started to enter Bitcoin en masse. This is what caused the rapid growth to $ 20 K. Now experts, referring to Google Trends, state:
– We are only at 50% of the previous ATH (all-time-high). If this is another big bubble event, we are in the extremely early stages. Only people already in crypto care about this right now.
Other observers note that bitcoin surges on weekends. And it is highly likely that stock robots work. And it began not with the first burst of the bull market in early April, but from mid-May. Obviously, it was then that the institutionalists believed in the bullish trend and entered the game.

What’s next? We are waiting for FoMo (Fear of missing out syndrome) and the subsequent growth to $ 40K, no less. The parabolic chart leads to this.