Don’t forget to follow the rates of cryptocurrencies!
Bitcoin $9 382,84 (1,64%). Bitcoin Dominance 37,0%
Ethereum $687,41 (2,31%)
EOS $19,00 (9,21%)
Litecoin $152,76 (1,36%)
BTC Week
Gainers and Loosers (volume $100k+)
On the rise:
Cryptocurrency | Symbol | Rise |
BitSoar | BSR | 180,26% |
Primecoin | XPM | 162,83% |
Profile Utili… | PUT | 92,49% |
BitcoinX | BCX | 72,17% |
StarCoin | KST | 52,97% |
Cryptocurrency | Symbol | Down |
Masari | MSR | -25,49% |
Monero Original | XMO | -25,32% |
Monero Classic | XMC | -20,85% |
Hexx | HXX | -19,23% |
Ormeus Coin | ORME | -19,22% |
Market Week
Total Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization is $430 675 562 688 at press time.
Its trading volume is $27 030 599 166 over a 24-hours period.