While the community is busy with Zuckerberg Libra stablecoin, another breakthrough crypto-project was forgotten for a while – Pavel Durov’s darknet Ton with its token Gram. And in vain! Many analysts promoted it to the rank of a revolutionary which is able to drastically change the cryptoindustry. Suffice it to say that TON promises absolute anonymity. But for several months there have been vague negative rumors about the project and its author. Finally, a positive message arrived. The crypto-fiat platform Liquid declared that it starts Gram sale on July 10.
Liquid entered into a partnership agreement with Gram Asia for the exclusive sale of this token. Gram is the TON darknet cryptocurrency, the creation of which has been talked about for two years by Pavel Durov, who was previously famous for creating the Telegram messenger and the Russian social network VKontakte.
TON project is known for collecting of $ 1.7 billion in the second round of ICO. In the first round, $ 850 million was raised. Pavel Durov refused an additional $ 3.5 billion, which offered by some investor(s) who missed project entering in time.
According to Forbes, the price of the Gram token in the first round was $ 0.38, in the second – $ 1.33. Liquid offers Gram tokens for $ 4. Tokens will be distributed within 18 months.
Thus, on the hype alone, long before the launch of the network, Pavel Durov’s token shows an increase of 10.5X!
It seems that the scam year 2018 did not teach anyone anything.