In a groundbreaking move, Chainlink and the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) have successfully completed a pilot project aimed at accelerating the tokenization of funds. The trial, dubbed the “Smart NAV pilot,” brought together industry heavyweights such as JPMorgan, Franklin Templeton, BNY Mellon, and several other major U.S. banks.
The primary objective of the pilot was to test a process for bringing and disseminating fund data across multiple blockchain networks, a crucial step towards the future of tokenization. Participants in the trial included American Century Investments, BNY Mellon, Edward Jones, Franklin Templeton, Invesco, JPMorgan, MFS Investment Management, Mid Atlantic Trust, State Street, and U.S. Bank.
According to the report, the DTCC discovered during the trial that “by delivering structured data on-chain and creating standard roles and processes, foundational data could be embedded into a multitude of on-chain use cases, such as tokenized funds and ‘bulk consumer’ smart contracts, which are contracts that hold data for multiple funds.”[1] The Chainlink trial revealed capabilities that support future industry exploration of tokenization, including cases such as brokerage portfolio applications. The report also highlighted real-time benefits, including more automated data dissemination and built-in access to older information.
“Based on these findings, we see an opportunity to potentially expand the scope of the pilot to explore how the technical capability leveraged in the pilot could power a broader range of use cases beyond the dissemination of price and rate data and across a greater number of blockchains,” the DTCC added in their note.[1]
Tokenization Trials Gain Momentum
This is not the first trial around the tokenization of real-world assets. The concept of tokenization is gaining popularity and has emerged as a top use case for blockchain technology. Tokenization brings benefits such as operational efficiencies, speedier settlements, and increased transparency compared to traditional financial infrastructure.
Major financial institutions, including BlackRock and HSBC, have already begun exploring the tokenization concept. As the reliance on blockchain technology in finance grows, tokenization is becoming an increasingly favorable option. The implementation of this concept into major banks like Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase would be a significant milestone, demonstrating the benefits of tokenization.
The successful pilot between Chainlink and the DTCC marks a significant step forward in the adoption of tokenization within the financial industry. As more institutions explore this technology, the future of finance may be shaped by the seamless integration of traditional assets and blockchain-based tokenized assets.[1]