On September 26, Chinese search engine and web services company Baidu has released the Baidu Blockchain White Paper V1.0, which describes the development of a “Super Chain” network system.
The blockchain white paper, released by Baidu Blockchain Lab, is focused on “the independent development of the ‘Super Chain’ network system.” The paper introduces the idea of commercializing the Baidu cloud blockchain blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) platform in addition to six applications based on the Super Chain; Totem, Degree Universe, Baidu Association, Treasure Chest, Encyclopedia Online, and Hubert.
According to the white paper, Baidu’s Super Chain is more efficient than a traditional blockchain in that performs with a higher degree of hardware utilization. Per Baidu, Super Chain nodes “use multi-core parallel computing to maximize CPU utilization and increase throughput.”
The Super Chain is a stereo network that supports parallel sidechains. There is a root chain, which manages parallel chains and the operating guidelines of the entire network, that supports data exchange with each chain.
The Super Chain operates on a “pluggable consensus mechanism.” Within the network, the Super Chain allows different parallel chains to choose their own consensus mechanisms. It also supports consensus escalation through a voting mechanism.
According to the white paper, Baidu will focus on applying the technology in food safety, product quality, new retail, new manufacturing, supply chain finance, intellectual property and trading, travel, tourism and social networking.
Modular services with the Baidu Super Chain will include scenarios in certification, digital rights, clearing and settlement, supply chain finance, digital assets, and games.