For the first time in its history, Telegram is on track to becoming a profitable platform. Thanks to the growing popularity of its affiliate program and an influx of high-quality mini-apps, the ecosystem is evolving. Influencers are sharing more about products within Telegram’s expanding infrastructure, while users are embracing in-app purchases like never before. StarsHash is a prime example of how this transformation is shaping the platform’s future.
What is StarsHash?
StarsHash is a mining-based mini-app within Telegram, allowing users to earn tokens by utilizing their device’s computational power. Powered by an adapted version of Ethereum’s Ethash algorithm, StarsHash ensures efficiency, fairness, and accessibility. With a capped token supply of 10 billion, the platform is set to distribute tokens through the TON blockchain upon the completion of mining.
By employing this algorithm, StarsHash has created an accessible and scalable solution for users looking to explore blockchain-powered rewards, bringing decentralized principles into the Telegram ecosystem.
How Does StarsHash Work?
With just a single button, Start Mining, users can engage in a passive mining process. The platform taps into their device’s computational power to solve cryptographic puzzles and contribute to the network.
- Main Rewards: Earned by the first device to solve the block.
- Shared Rewards: Distributed proportionally to all participants who contributed during mining.
- Energy Mechanism: Mining consumes energy, which can be replenished over time or instantly through in-app purchases.
Key Metrics and Achievements
Since its launch on December 13, 2023, StarsHash has demonstrated exceptional growth:
- Over 1 million users have interacted with the app.
- More than 6,000 active miners are currently participating in the ecosystem.
- Over 19 million Stars spent by users (~$285,000), showcasing Telegram users’ willingness to engage in in-app purchases.
- StarsHash consistently ranks in the Top 5 Grossing Apps on Telegram, proving the scalability of its revenue model.
These numbers highlight not only the app’s success but also Telegram’s potential as a platform for developers to create sustainable revenue streams.
Why StarsHash is a Game-Changer for Telegram’s Affiliate Program
StarsHash is more than just a successful mini-app; it’s a case study in how Telegram’s affiliate program can drive real results. Unlike traditional ad-based revenue models, the affiliate program rewards influencers based on user engagement and spending, aligning incentives between creators and developers.
Key factors contributing to StarsHash’s success:
- User Trust: StarsHash has gained users’ trust with transparent mechanics and a fair reward distribution model.
- Revenue Model: The app’s in-app purchases, server rentals, and one-time setup fees create multiple revenue streams, ensuring scalability.
- Affiliate Impact: By partnering with Telegram’s affiliate program, StarsHash has enabled influencers to generate significant income while driving app growth.
The Bigger Picture
StarsHash is paving the way for a new era of Telegram apps by combining blockchain innovation with a user-friendly experience. Its scalable economic model not only supports continuous development but also helps solidify Telegram’s position as a profitable platform.
Looking ahead, 2025 could mark the rise of integrated purchases within Telegram’s ecosystem, further fueling growth for apps like StarsHash. This shift promises to redefine how developers, influencers, and users interact within the platform, creating a sustainable ecosystem for all.
Why StarsHash Matters
StarsHash proves that when a high-quality product meets the right affiliate infrastructure, the results can be groundbreaking. By driving user engagement, delivering real value, and fostering sustainable growth, StarsHash is a shining example of what’s possible in Telegram’s evolving ecosystem.