Liberland Anniversary 8

Free Republic of Liberland – a sovereign state well-known to the Web3.0 community has announced its 8th anniversary to be celebrated from 13th till 16th of April 2023. 

The 4 days of celebration will kick off with an Anniversary Party on the night of 13th. All the guests, some of whom are already proud citizens of the Republic, will gather in the little lovely Serbian town Apatin on the bank of the Danube river. The second day 14th of April is marked with a full-day Web3.0 Conference. The first part of the event is dedicated to Liberland officials reports on the achieved progress and will be opened by the Republic’s President Vit Jedlicka and followed by the reports of Liberland Ministers. After the official part is over the conference will continue with keynotes and panel discussions covering most recent trends in the Web3.0 space including, cryptocurrencies, DAOs, utility NFTs and decentralised Metaverses. 

The conference will bring together around 30 speakers from all over the world. Among the first announced names we already have some well-known blockchain experts and leaders of the industry such as   Sheraz Ahmed, Co-Executive Director at world – famous Crypto Valley Association based in Switzerland and Managing Partner in one of the leading blockchain providers STORM, Edwin Mata – Founder and CEO of the Bricken – fully functional STO platform, Evgenii Kuzin – founder and CEO of the first layer public – permissioned protocol Foil Network,  and Vasilisa Marinchuk – co-founder and COO of soon to be announced blockchain based digital collectable card game MEME The Gathering and former director of international relations and one of the founders of the Center Blockchain of Catalonia (CBCAT).

On the  third day all the guests will have an opportunity to visit the Free Republic of Liberland. Rauthly  1.5 – 2 hours road or boat trip  offers not only amazing  views along the way, but also excellent networking opportunities  to all the participants. After the anniversary celebration, intense conference agenda and relaxing day in nature all the guests will return to Apatin where the closing party will take place thus officially ending the 8th  Anniversary of Free Republic of Liberland. The event is open to the public and anyone can buy a ticket and take part in this remarkable and memorable journey. The tickets are starting from 100 EUR and can be purchased in fiat or crypto here.

The Free Republic of Liberland  is a sovereign state located between Croatia and Serbia on the west bank of the Danube River. Liberland was proclaimed on the uninhabited and unclaimed territory of approximately 7 km²on 13 April 2015. Liberland has set its boundary with ample margin from neighbouring countries to ensure that it does not infringe upon the territory of Croatia or Serbia. Liberland is now the third smallest sovereign state, after the Vatican and Monaco. Very few know but the Free Republic of Liberland was already recognized by Somaliland and has an active Memorandum of Understanding concluded with Haiti, Malawi, Ghana and Dominican Republic. And anyone can become a citizen of Liberland following a pretty easy and straightforward process on the website of the Republic.