The facilitators of the Russian Venture Forum plan to present an information kit of lesser-known Russian innovative companies developing projects in the field of Blockchain at the exhibition site.
The Republic of Tatarstan that is nowadays known to be an innovative hub of Russia, will come into the spotlight of the founders and managers of startups, fintech companies, private capital managers, ICO participants, cryptocurrency investors, top investment corporations and representatives of government agencies. Russian Venture Forum (RVF) will be held in Kazan on April 11.
RVF turns up to be the largest Russian platform for discussions and negotiations, a meeting point for the leaders in the venture industry. Each year the Forum hosts dozens of specialized events aimed at ensuring a free dialogue between all participants of the innovation process, detecting the active trends and features of development in the industry, giving an insight into the practical experience of attracting direct and venture capital from the leading practitioners, as well as presents the cutting-edge Russian and foreign pilot projects.
The Forum program implies round tables devoted to the discussion of topics related to the development of blockchain technologies in Russia. Such leading experts in the field of finance, technology and innovation as Kamal Yuself (SWISSCOM Blockchain), Sven Lingjaerde (Endeavour Vision), Andrew Kolodyuk (Blockchain Video Platform), Igor Alferov (Papyrus), Alexey Popov (WULET) and many others will be among the moderators of the Forum sessions.
The Forum organizers plan to present at the exposition site the kit of new materials about fifty more unknown Russian innovative companies with projects being underway in the field of Blockchain, Industrial and fintech programs.
The exhibitor companies will be pre-qualified by the experts at forming the presentation display with the view of checking for the investor’s requirements compliance.
The Forum appears to be a unique platform for those who are looking for new partners and clients, who know how to lay the groundwork for the future development of innovative business, for those who are in search of an opportunity to become a co-investor with top investment corporations and private investors, who are the first to learn promising areas for investment. The Forum will become a “Club of Like-Minded People” united by the desire to promote the development of future technologies, an “entry point ” into the industry of direct investment and venture capital.
RVF of 2019 entered into the official events register of such companies as EBAN, Venture Club, Tech Tour, NABA, RVK, RAVI.
The Forum facilitators annually invite more than 500 professionals in the field of direct investment and venture capital, more than 3,000 entrepreneurs and innovative companies with preference to attract investment in leading innovative developments and advanced technologies elaboration.