The third Crypto Games Conference will take place in Minsk, Belarus on April 25-26, 2019 and will feature: 1000+ delegates …
The Vostok project, a part of Waves (WAVES) ecosystem focused on implementation of Waves technologies in enterprise and government IT-systems, …
Leased Proof-of-Stake (LPoS) is a consensus algorithm which is an enhanced version of Proof-of-Stake. Currently it can be called unique …
Events – Today the most successful Russian project Waves launches smart contracts. What do we do with this? In Waves, …
Russian project welcomes World Soccer Cup in Russia! Waves (WAVES) helps with the creation, transfer and exchange of customized tokens …
WAVES is a cryptocurrency of Waves, an open-source blockchain platform, developed, marketed, and operated by Waves Platform AG, that allows …
A press release issued Wednesday gives extensive details of the token launcher and wallet’s redesign, something Waves alleges places greater emphasis on …